profile photos for facebook
profile photos for facebook
profile photos for facebook
I would highly recommend this hotel to everyone who comes this way.It's clean, comfortable and the staff treats you like family. A wonderful overnight stop. ~George Carlin, Brain Droppings, 1997
That tagging suggestion I sent you awhile back. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
Middle age is having a choice between two temptations and choosing the one that'll get you home earlier. ~Dan Bennett
He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it. ~Clarence Budington Kelland
To carry the discussion a step further do you think that a regular road bike with 27"/1" would work for the entire length of the Katy Trail? ~Dorothy Fulheim

No, I entirely understand your position, having been a forum moderator in the past myself. As such, I am 'not' advocating for the removal of that lock, simply an increase in its limit. ~Sam Ewing
It is not flesh and blood but the heart which makes us fathers and sons. ~Johann Schiller
Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever. ~Author Unknown
We are interested in doing the DNR Katy Trail Ride next June.My sister Charlotte Lazzeroni and brother-in-law Jim want us to do it with them. ~Dan Bennett
It kills you to see them grow up. But I guess it would kill you quicker if they didn't. ~Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams
One father is more than a hundred Schoolemasters. ~George Herbert, Outlandish Proverbs, 1640
Youth is a disease from which we all recover. ~Dorothy Fulheim

If the logo would be changed, which I highly doubt it any time soon, I wouldn't go for something as general as miku, even if it's popular. ~Tom Wolfe, The Bonfire of the Vanities
Just remember, once you're over the hill you begin to pick up speed. ~Charles Schulz
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. ~Larry Lorenzoni
Espacially ponies... Oh, poo! (What have they done OMG) ~Gloria Naylor
Where you can only edit say 4 images every 10 min. ~Phyllis Diller
A father carries pictures where his money used to be. ~Author Unknown
Where you can only edit say 4 images every 10 min. ~Phyllis Diller

![profile photos for facebook. Facebook Profile Pictures (DP) For Boys [Set 8]](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-fHdRdLwwSdQ/TgG0VwJ2K2I/AAAAAAAABJc/hXF_Syb_g1o/s400/Profile%252BPictures%252BFor%252BFacebook%252B%252B%25255BEntertainclub.blogspot.com%25255D%252B%25252827%252529.jpg)
Apart from comments I don't see any other distinctive feature. Some time ago it was proposed here but quickly got rejected because it would make wallbase look like deviant-art or something. Also I like the featured tags on the top with the pictures and all, but because the site has VERY small amount of pictures, having each icon for each tag makes sense there. Here - not so much. ~Author unknown, commonly attributed to Mark Twain but no evidence has yet been found for this (Thanks, Garson O'Toole!)
Apart from comments I don't see any other distinctive feature. Some time ago it was proposed here but quickly got rejected because it would make wallbase look like deviant-art or something. Also I like the featured tags on the top with the pictures and all, but because the site has VERY small amount of pictures, having each icon for each tag makes sense there. Here - not so much. ~Author unknown, commonly attributed to Mark Twain but no evidence has yet been found for this (Thanks, Garson O'Toole!)
To have the link in the navigation "light" up like the comments and forum buttons every time something is added or edited. ~Author Unknown
There is still no cure for the common birthday. ~John Glenn
it's the worst site ever... and it loads very very very damm slow Yotoon don't take any part of that site. ~Johann Schiller
Spread the diaper in the position of the diamond with you at bat. Then fold second base down to home and set the baby on the pitcher's mound. Put first base and third together, bring up home plate and pin the three together. Of course, in case of rain, you gotta call the game and start all over again. ~Jimmy Piersal, on how to diaper a baby, 1968
Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! ~Lydia M. Child, Philothea: A Romance, 1836
You're not 40, you're eighteen with 22 years experience. ~Author Unknown
What about having a bio on your profile? You know so you don't have to post it no the Friendly Topic...? ^^ ~John Glenn
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